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Women need touch. Period. Much more than men.

Why is nobody saying this? This might be one of the most tragic oversights in our lives.

The number one thing I have learned over my years of providing intimate yoni massage services is that a healthy woman needs to be touched— lovingly and effectively. She needs this often. She needs to feel the loving hands of her partner on her body. For too long, a slow sensual massage or expression of loving touch has been thought of as a rare luxury only regularly enjoyed by “lucky” women. Wrong. You all need it. And you all deserve it. Often.

Every woman’s body is a sacred temple of pleasure. The right touch applied to a woman’s body changes everything.

When I first meet a new client, no matter how hard I try, it is almost always a bit awkward. She has summoned me to her hotel room because a happy consortium of my clients have raved about my ability to bring women the unique pleasure of a fulfilling orgasm. And deep down she knows two things: she needs it, and she deserves it.

She sits on the bed and I usually sit on a chair at a distance. I try to get to know her a little and put her at ease. I eventually ease into the subject of what she is hoping to achieve with me. And I will ask a few key questions about her health and sexual history. I try to answer every question she has for me as best as I can. I look her in the eyes and I study her mannerisms, her personality. I take in a number of subtle clues that will sometimes give me insight into how gently or directly I should proceed through my service with her.

The one advantage that I have over most of her life partners is that I know what she wants. She wants a fulfilling sexual experience. And I am present to give her the sweet release that her body desires.

And only after we have reached a point of comfort with each other do we eventually move on to the service. Once my hands make contact with her body— even the most nervous or anxious woman cannot help but appreciate how incredibly nourishing it feels to have another human being tune everything out except for her body and what her body needs.

Sadly, most of my younger clients under the age of 35 have never before experienced the intensely focused attention their body gets with me. For most of our service together, my hands lovingly caress her skin— relaxing her mind and igniting her body’s thirst for attention and release. By the time we move on to the most intimate portion of my service, her body has been set ablaze by a level of nourishing touch she might never have experienced before. Through touch alone, I have not only relaxed her mind, but I have established myself as a human being worthy of trust with her most intimate asset— her beautiful body. And even where some nervousness persists, I have created a formidable alliance with her body, which is usually demanding much more attention from this stranger with the talented hands.

A troubling fact is that many younger clients come to me with the same concerns: either they cannot experience any orgasms with a partner, they can only experience certain types of orgasms with a partner, or they do not believe that they have ever experienced an orgasm. Sadly, I would estimate that 75 percent of my clients under the age of 35 fall into these categories. And these women probably get the most out of my services. I often leave them in a state of post-orgasmic bliss that has irreparably altered what they know about their own body’s capacity for pleasure. And that leaves them to return to their hunt for a life partner with much higher sexual standards and expectations. And that makes me very happy!

Equally important is the need that we understand that most men do not know how much a woman needs to be touched. And there is plenty of blame to go around for this. Everyone today holds in their hand a device delivering a seemingly limitless supply of male-centered pornographic propaganda where unrealistic women exist as shallow devices to provide pleasure to men. I have never seen a porn video where a man spends two or three hours gently touching a woman’s body until she reaches a realistic and powerful orgasm. Maybe those videos exist— but I’m guessing you would have to really dig to find any. Women’s bodies require steady attentive touch before their sexual energy can be unleashed. And this doesn’t fit into our short-attention-span society and immediate-gratification culture.

But I am looking to change all of this. While our culture is actively working to diminish women’s rights, I can see that a women’s sexual revolution is coming! Women will soon be wielding their own sexual prowess as a weapon rather than hiding it in shame. And I intend to fan the flames of that much needed cultural revolution!

For individuals looking to expand their arsenal to include a sensual touch program that will assuredly provide their loving woman’s body a very new and fulfilling sexual experience— keep checking my blog. Big things are on the horizon for YoniMaster Rick and I expect to be taking steps to bring my formidable skills to people looking to expand both their own skill set and their woman’s capacity for pleasure!

Stay tuned.

YoniMaster Rick